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The turotring program began in the month of March with 15 students from the public school of Punta de Palma. The students were selected by their teachers because of their low academic level they had in school. The students were from grades first to third.

The initial idea of the program was to help these students for an hour each afternoon after school ended. We were to complete homework that was assigned that day in school. At the beginning it was evident that the students who were coming to my program did not have the capacity to read or write. Because of this very evident realization, the main focus of the tutoring class changed to teaching these 15 students how to read and write.


The students are divided into four levels:

Beginners– Here there are only two students from first grade and for them it is much harder to understand reading and writing. For this reason I have decided to only have these two students in this class so I can give them my full undivided attention to them, which is a must!

Intermediate 1-In this class I have five students: two from first grade, one from second, and two from third.  These students learn very slowly, but the results are very evident.

Intermediate 2-In this class there are seven students: one from first grade, four from second, and two from third. These students have a high learning level (looking at the parameter of these 15 students) and are capable of reading and writing with just a few errors.

Advanced-Here I only have just one student who can read and write much better than the others. With her we work on completing assignments, gain a better understanding of reading, and improve her writing. In the future we will begin orthography lessons.

One hour a day from Monday to Thursday the students come to class, which is located here at the El Faro facilities. They have fifteen minutes before class to have free time in the library and choose a book that they are interested in to bring to class and read if possible. The goal of this is to create in them a reading discipline. We also create games to develop their motor skills and mental ability. Each day we review the ABC’s with a technique called ‘Tucker’. This technique allows them to sounds out each letter while doing hand signs at the same time in order for them to memorize the letters. The class continues  with what they just have learned with a review of a letter. This is done with worksheets, games, etc. We always begin the class each week with a prayer said by one of the students who wants to pray. This is important for the kids to recognize the love of God and to have a heart of gratitude to Him who has given them life, health, and a place to live.


For me it is a very special experience to be able to be apart of not only the academic formation of the students, but also the spiritual. Each day the students pray for different things, but the phrase that they never cease to say is, “God, help us to learn how to read and write”. It is a great motivation and blessing to plant in them the achievement of this desire that they have.

I have seen a great improvement in these kids, not only in their homework and in class, but also in the development of each one. When the program began the kids did not speak because of shyness, but now they are kids who smile all the time, participate in class, and speak without stopping! Their teachers at the public school also have seen a great improvement, also no only academically, but also socially. It is a privilege to be a apart of this important development in the life of these kids.


Nelita Saravia a volunteer missionary who has been at El Faro since January. She is 19 years old and from Antigua, Guatemala. She studies Clinical Pychology at the University.