+502 3866-2713 Atención de 7:00 am a 4:00 pm info@misionelfaro.org



At The Lighthouse you will find different areas to utilize such as the soccer field with official measures and natural grass. There is a multipurpose court for basketball and volleyball, and a nature trail 2 kilometers long with a suspension bridge made to further explore the path.


Our capacity to accommodate 220 people in private dormitories and apartments will make your stay pleasant and comfortable. If the date you are interested in is busy, there may be space for your activity since we can attend two events at the same time. For more information about our availability visit the reservations area.

Meeting facilities

In addition there are several meeting facilities each available to meet your specific needs. Our private beach is made even more beautiful next to our dock, which was built in the traditional thatched-palm style. Our beach is appropriately named ‘Mil Manos’. In translation this means “A Thousand Hands” to indicate all the people who so beautifully made El Faro into the paradise it is today.