Chasing Dreams
This is our new track team that God has sprouted and placed into our hands. Never imagined coaching anything more than just soccer, and couldn’t be more excited about it. For the past 4 months I have been training 5 youth who found themselves interested in running and learning to compete in Track and field. Joining another team directed by my new friend Victor Taracena late in the season we only were able to compete in one meet a month ago. However, encouraged by the determination and dedication by our 6:15 am training sessions I pushed the team to set in sights the guatemala national championships. After only training 4 months I kept my expectations low but know I serve a mighty God. This past Friday and Saturday my wife and took 4 youth 6 hours to Guatemala City to compete with the best in the country. Irma 14, Oseas 14, and Ana lizeth 13 all competed in two events each. Oseas continues to surprise himself with his ability to train at a high level and his 600meter time is quickly dropping having him firmly top 10 in Guatemala. He has little by little allowed track to add discipline to his life and improved his grades and walk with Jesus. Irma the stubborn warrior has the most natural talent of them all seemingly the quiet skinny one, she packs a punch and in her 2,000m run she finished in 8:17 and finished just off the podium in 4th place in all of Guatemala! Ana lizeth is the youngest and newest the the team but possibly the most promising future due to her new found excitement and natural God given genes. She turned 13 during the competition and is still finding her way as to which she likes more long distance or short, I believe short. Jessica pictures and Carlos not pictured are older and compete in a different age group but both desire to compete at the highest level. The track team started because Jessica (pictured) pulled me aside and said, “Gavin I want to run track, I want to make something of myself and show people of this village that dreams come true, can you help me train I know you ran?” The goal is the track team isn’t to win medals as much as I would like, it’s to build relation in our team and one on one use sport and coaching to teach them about the word of God and how much he loves and desires them! More kids are interested in this new ministry should be exciting to see how it continues to grow. Pray for or training! We train not on a track but on rocks, no hurdles, no blocks, just will! Thanks for those that support dozier missions and made it possible to by them spikes and target gear to look good! Pray that they continue to improve and encounter Jesus every stride!
If you want to know more about Brittany and Gavin Dozier and how you can support them, please click HERE
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