+502 3866-2713 Atención de 7:00 am a 4:00 pm info@misionelfaro.org

Today El Faro is having the combined Bible Club in the afternoon. ‘El Club Conjunto’’, as it is called in Spanish, is when all three clubs from the area come together to have a special day with special guests. It is a time to do something different from what is done each week in Club all the while still focusing on the Bible. Past ‘Club Conjunto’s’ have included a fair, a puppet and song show, magicians, and dance companies.

The Chldren’s Club has come along way and it makes us reflect on where it all started. David and Zita Vasquez had recently arrived  to El Faro to serve as directors in 2006 when they had a desire to do a vacation bible school. It was a huge success and after the school ended they knew they needed to do something to help the kids grow spiritually.

We chatted with Zita Vasquez to know more about the Club.


Q. What is the mission of the club?

A. The mission of the club is that the children know more about the Word of God. That they know that God loves them and responds to their prayers.

Q. How has the club changed since it began in 2007?

A. One of the big changes is that it now has an official name-Exploradores. ‘Exploradores’ means Exploreres and each week the children are guided to explore the Bible and apply it to their lives through the different Bible characters and lessons. The club has also worked with different materials and we have created a year-long lesson plan that has to do with values. We have been able to share our material with other ministries and we are in the process of creating a new one.


Q. What are your dreams and plans for the Club?

A. Our dream for the club is to see the children become adults who transform their communities through lives filled with the presence of God and that this raises up a healthy community, one with many opportunites to grow. We also hope that families will be transfored through the power of the Word. The Club is growing and we pray that it can go to many more villages and that the children can know the Word of God in a nice and fun way.

Q. What have you learned through being a leader of the Club?

A. I have learned that many times you don’t see a fast change in the children, but the person who see the changes and growth is the Lord . He knows each one of them and knows when each one will shine. Sometimes it is hard for people to understand this, but with patience and prayer the children grow have come so far and we believe that they will be the transformers of their communities.



Club Exploradores meets every Sunday from 3-5 pm and we would love for you to pray for this growing ministry.