GLOMOS Graduation 2014
When we wrote about the GLOMOS pastors training in a previous newsletter, little did we know the grand impact it would have on the lives of the people in the program. Not only were there pastors from various towns and villages in the class, but there were also El Faro missionaries and volunteers from the USA and Mexico that received the course. Over the eight months the different classes were given by teachers who traveled to El Faro from different countries including the United States and Costa Rica. The students were able to receive a biblical, occupational, and personal education on how to be a Christian leader in their church, ministry, and families. For many, this was the first time receiving formal Bible training.
One special story comes from Livingston where Kike is from. Along with his family he attends the home church of Miguel and Laura, Guatemalan missionaries to the Garifuna people in Livingston. He is quite popular in the town because he is a singer who since being saved has made a complete and public transformation. Kike says that he was impacted by GLOMOS because he learned things he never knew. “I learned to not judge people for what they do or believe. I have to teach them the truth in love because I too was once like them. I am going to put what I learned in practice by preaching the word to those who don’t know the Lord”.
Another story comes from the village of Sarita where pastor Samuel is from. Sarita is a village 1 ½ hours away in car. His first language is Quiche and even though sometimes it was hard for him doing the homework and taking the class in Spanish, he still continued coming faithfully each month. He successfully was able to complete all the work and tests and even sang in his native tongue the day of graduation.
On October 9 GLOMOS came to beautiful finale with a graduation at El Faro. The founders of El Faro, Phil and Nikki Ephraim, along with board members of GLOMOS, Bob, Wendy, and Preston Smith, were also in attendance that day to be witnesses and an encouragement to the graduates. Many of the pastors had never had a graduation of their own because many never finished school. Dressed in their graduation togas, they were able to stand tall in front of their family and friends in attendance. George Carr, a very special teacher who had come three times to El Faro and has taught over 75 classes on 8 continents, was in attendance as well and was an encouragement to the graduates.
At one point during the ceremony the leaders and teachers washed the feet and prayed over the students. This act was demonstrated by Jesus and was duplicated as a sign of humbleness before the students and also a kind of “send off” to go and proclaim the gospel. The girls from the El Faro kitchen were also included in the ceremony and it was a moving and emotional experience for everyone present.
We are so thankful that El Faro had the opportunity to partner with Global Action and train the spiritual leaders in the villages and El Faro. We have much hope that these men and women will have the confidence, education, and motivation to take what they learned and apply it in their ministries. Please continue to pray for our first graduating class.
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